Nutrafarms prides itself in being The Best Grass-Fed Beef, Free Range Chicken, Pastured Pork And Wild Caught Fish! Locally Raised, Available Only In Ontario, Canada.

What did they need?

Nutrafarms came to us looking to improve their SEO. They had tried a number of strategies already and were finding they were having difficulty with rankings. They also had email delivery issues and wanted a stable solution that took care of spam.

Nutrafarms website was quiet high volume, and was a large revenue stream, so it was critical that it remained online and performed well.

How did we help?

Think Forward Media started by doing a comprehensive audit and discovered their page speed was very low. This is a significant ranking factor, and can also have a negative impact on performance. We migrated their website to our hosting backed by the powerful CloudFlare website proxy and CDN, greatly improving their websites speed and performance.

We then moved their email to Google GSuite. This greatly reduced their volume of spam and also gave them access to Google Drive. Think Forward Media helped setup their email clients, and trained them on Google Drive allowing them to move critical files into the cloud where they were safe and accessible by stake holders.

Nutrafarms Website Running On A Computer And Mobile