Have you heard about Google Ads but are still unsure if it’s the right fit for your business? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! Here we will cover why Google Ads should be included in your marketing strategy and how they can help take your business to the next level. Ready? Let’s get started!
First, What Are Google Ads?
Google Ads is a powerful tool that can often be overwhelming and confusing initially. Still, we will outline what exactly Google Ads is. Google Ads have sponsored ads that appear on search engine results when someone types into Google looking for something related to what the person is searching for.
For example, if you were to search “water trampolines,” you would likely get different ads from various websites. If you see a small “Ad” text beside it, that is a type of Google Ad.
Now you’re more than likely thinking, “wait, type? How many Google Ads are there?” This is a great question. There are over 10 different types of Google ads with different subtypes. Still, we won’t go over each in this blog post but will focus on the overall benefit of Google Ads.
You Pay When People Click
One of the major advantages of Google Ads is that you only pay when people click on your ads! Compared to other traditional marketing methods where you pay for people to see paper ads, billboard ads, and tv, you only have to pay when someone clicks on your ad! And as long as your ads are properly targeted and optimized for conversions, you will not be wasting money!
Another positive side effect of only paying when people click is that it enables businesses to test different budget strategies quickly. Which will optimize the business’s budgets for different products and services.
You Pay When People Click
One of the major advantages of Google ads is that you only pay when people click on your ads! Compared to other traditional marketing methods where you pay for people to see paper ads, billboard ads, and tv, you only have to pay when someone clicks on your ad! And as long as your ads are properly targeted and optimized for conversions, you will not be wasting money!
Another positive side effect of only paying when people click is that it enables businesses to test different budget strategies quickly. Which will optimize the business’s budgets for different products and services.
Targeting Customers
With Google Ads, you can target customers with precision. You can customize who sees your ad with keyword targeting, location targeting, and demographic targeting. This way, you can ensure that the people who see your ad are those most likely to be interested in what you offer—and convert into paying customers.
If you want to reach the right audience with your business message, Google Ads offers many options! By targeting customers through keywords, location and demographic info – and customizing who sees your ad – it’s easy to ensure that only those interested in what you have will be exposed. That way, even more, potential leads convert into paying customers for maximum success!
Another amazing way Google Ads has several features to enable businesses to target the right audience is by using remarketing! Remarketing campaigns allow businesses to promote their ads to people who have already shown interest in their products or services.
Using these advanced targeting options, businesses can build tailored campaigns that need their exact needs and goals and make the final push to purchase from their business.

Gain Valuable Visibility
One of the most important aspects of Google Ads is businesses and brands can utilize it to improve their online visibility. Since many people only click the first 3 page results, having your business at the top of search results is essential.
Using Google Ads, you can create targeted campaigns with presence targeting strategies to deliver your ads to your target audience and be at the top of search results! By targeting your audience in real-time, you can reach more of your target audience quickly compared to other marketing methods such as TV or Radio.
Increased Leads
Now that we have covered how great visibility your business is, there is another aspect which sets Google Ads apart, how powerful it is for increasing leads for your business. We mentioned how you can create campaigns tailored to your audience, thus increasing your visibility to your target audience.
Still, you can also create detailed ads that are targeted to exactly who you want to target. Since you are creating detailed targeted campaigns for different products/services and audiences, thus increasing qualified leads and growing your business.

From a technical point of view, Google Ads has incredible customization that lets people know more about your business. One customization is extensions such as site links, callouts, and more! These extensions can be optimized for different businesses, which differentiates Google Ads.
Google Ads also have other features that enable businesses to experiment with different ad types, such as text ads, image ads, video ads, app install ads and more. Each type of ad can be tailored towards specific customer segments and objectives – allowing businesses to quickly test out different approaches without needing significant resources upfront.
Another incredible aspect of Google Ads is that regardless of your business type, you are likely able to optimize Google Ads to reach your business goals. Want more sales? Check! Want to increase your online presence? Check! Optimize your remarketing efforts? Check! Want more traffic to a/b test different landing pages and ad copy? Check! And there is so much more that Google Ads can do for your business.
Powerful Analytics
Another invaluable aspect of Google Ads is the powerful and detailed analytics that are displayed in real-time. Through its powerful tracking and reporting features, businesses can gain access to detailed information to identify areas for improvement or opportunities for expansion.
With such powerful metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rate, cost per click (CPC), multi-channel performance, cost per acquisition (CPA), audience insights, and more, businesses can assess the success of their campaigns more accurately than ever before!
And while the previously mentioned metrics are important for all businesses to know, one of the most invaluable tools is that businesses can review their ROI easily compared to other marketing methods. Google Ads enable you to quickly review your marketing strategy, see what needs improvement and what is working, and then optimize it.
Thus ensuring maximum effectiveness. This will make your ads more optimized for spending and conversions and get a higher return on investment over time. Ultimately, Google Ads is an essential tool for any firm wanting to maximize their return on investment across digital channels while staying ahead of the competition in today’s ever-evolving digital landscape.
Overall: Google Ads Is A powerful tool To optimize your business goals.
Google Ads is an extremely powerful tool for increasing visibility and conversions for any business or brand. With its ability to quickly deliver relevant ads directly into consumers’ hands at any point across the internet, Google Ads provides businesses with a great opportunity for increased ROI while reducing costs associated with traditional marketing methods like print and radio advertising.
Furthermore, its detailed tracking and analytics capabilities enable advertisers to constantly tweak and refine their campaigns to achieve maximum performance metrics while remaining within their allotted budget.
Additionally, by utilizing advanced targeting tactics such as remarketing campaigns, search ads and display networks, brands can customize every aspect of their ad campaign to ensure they reach the right consumers at exactly the right time with a message tailored specifically for them – making Google Ads an invaluable asset when it comes not only increasing visibility but yield higher ROI as well.
If you haven’t included them in your marketing strategy yet, now is the time! So what are you waiting for? Let’s get Google with it!
“Okay, I Want To Do Google Ads”
You should reach out to a professional marketing agency to ensure your Google Ads are of high-quality, optimized, and speaks to your customers. When looking for a marketing agency, look for one that is reliable and understands your message and goals.
Let us learn more about your company’s goals, message, and get your Google Ads account that will get you traffic and sales. Think Forward Media is a digital marketing agency right in Barrie, Ontario that focuses on conversion optimization and customer loyalty.