You might be putting a lot of thought into how you will promote your website online, but there is one thing that you need to tackle first — your website design.
Many small business owners try to create a website themselves using one of the popular solutions on the market. While these websites make look good, they risk not showing up on Google, confusing customers about your message, or turning away potential customers.
Your website is the face for your business, and many times the first and occasionally only contact point for your customers. Having a well thought out design that not only looks good but also works on a variety of devices and converts customers is critical to your businesses success.
Are you interested in making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand, which will help your site show up at the top of the search engines when people look up related keywords? If so, your website design matters. Google is pushing quality over quantity, your site should be easy for search engine spiders to crawl. SEO is becoming more important year after year and those who spend time on increasing the quality and experience of their sites will benefit greatly.
Visual Impact
It’s not enough to produce, stock a great product or offer a valuable service, you have to consider how you can best serve your customers throughout their entire shopping experience. People look at websites all day, every day. If yours looks plain and boring, then it’s not going to stand out against your competition.
A professional site not only means the owner is concerned about their business and their online portrayal but makes visitors feel that the site is a trustworthy place to give their personal details, and do business with you. Some people might not trust your business at all if you don’t have a professional-looking website, especially if you sell your products online or offer online services. A website with focus on having a professional feel will give customers the right message about the business.
Ease of Use
If people cannot get around your website easily — such as if your links are confusing or if you don’t offer easy links to make your separate pages easy to find — then they might just give up and go elsewhere. Researchers have proven that web sites having user friendly design and easy to use interface significantly increase user satisfaction. A website design professional will know exactly how to make your site user-friendly and easy-to-use.
You have to ensure that your site is as secure as possible. This is especially true if there are forms that take sensitive information or if you take payments on your site. A website design professional can ensure that your site is as secure as possible.
A website with responsive web design is a site that is able to adapt to the screen it is being used on, making the website compatible on any device. It is something many platforms and templates don’t do ensure. However, this is important if you want your site to be a success, since more and more people are using tablets, smartphones and other devices to access all of their favourite websites.
Having a professionally built website is not only beneficial, but required if you want to stand out amongst your competition. Think Forward Media is an expert in top notch design, development and hosting of conversion driven websites.
Want to know more on how Think Forward Media can help grow your business and scale your website? No problem, feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns or issues!
Call today 705-302-1869