Is eCommerce Right for my Business?

Is eCommerce Right for my Business?

The future of eCommerce is projecting to grow by 14.3% in 2022 and is not slowing down 1. With that growth, you consider if eCommerce is right for your business and how it benefits your bottom line. eCommerce will provide you with unlimited cost and time-saving...
Understanding the Many Aspects of PCI-Compliance

Understanding the Many Aspects of PCI-Compliance

Within the last year, over 20 hotels were identified as having been hacked by a particular batch of cyber-attacks. The hacks themselves came in a variety of forms including guest wifi intrusion, phishing backed by fake phone calls from “customers”, and...
WooCommerce Versus Magento

WooCommerce Versus Magento

In 2008, Roy Rubin ended his frustration with open-source eCommerce by launching Magento. His goal was to allow businesses to create a platform that suited their brand, as well as creating an easy and accessible way for consumers to go online and purchase the products...
Should You Build Your eCommerce Site on Magento?

Should You Build Your eCommerce Site on Magento?

When you set up an eCommerce website, you can consider building it from scratch or using one of the industry leading eCommerce Platforms, Magento. Magento is a CMS (content management system) that provides all the tools you need. It’s free for it’s Open...
WooCommerce Versus Magento

4 Features Every eCommerce Website Needs

The eCommerce industry is one of friendly laid back website UI and fierce competition behind the scenes. For the vast majority of products, there are dozens of possible manufacturers, sellers, brands, and marketplaces for online customers to choose from. The effort to...